Okay, so if you are interested in getting a free laptop (you do have to work for it) post here and I'll send you the link. I'd be skeptical, but one of the gentlemen that works with Jonathan Nimrod at LCC has his in his hands and I've seen it. It ends up costing a little money (less than $30) and takes some time to setup and time to cancel offers BUT in the end you get a free computer. Post here and I'll contact you with a link.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Free Macbook Pro
Posted by The Warner Four at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Elf Yourself
You guys have to try this :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Our Family Picture--Merry Christmas :)
Well, as usual, we got our family picture taken at my mom and dad's house the day after Thanksgiving. Here is the picture we are using for our Christmas card and the picture we got of the grandkids (Claire, Blake, Jackson, and Kinsey) with my mom and dad. They are getting so big!!
Here is a picture taken this weekend of my sister's new baby girl, Kinsey who is two weeks old and then Blake who is almost 6 months old. He is just a tad bigger, huh? :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 6:21 PM 2 comments
Princess and the Frog
So sweet, Claire and Blake loved dressing up for Halloween this year. Well, let me rephrase that, Claire loved that her and Blake dressed up for Halloween this year :) She is a princess all the time, so it was a blast for her to be a "real" princess with the pretty dress and hat. Blake was not as thrilled about being a frog, he's still oblivious to it all. Maybe next year...
This is a picture of Claire at 9 months, dressed up in the same froggy costume. Isn't that hilarious :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Catching Up, Pumpkin Patch...
Hi everyone! I am just now catching up on my blog since my last posting. Sorry for the delay :( Here are some adorable pics from the pumpkin patch. It's in Millstadt (about 15 minutes from home) and there is a lookout that you can see downtown St. Louis perfectly. So much fun! Grammy and Papa were able to go with us so that was really exciting :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Holy Smokes!
Ok, so here are Blake's 4 mon. stats: 18 lbs, 1.5 oz and 27" long!! For those who are wondering, that's 89% for weight and 97% for height :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 11:05 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
4 Months and 32 Months!
Wow! It's been a long time since my last post. I've got a lot to catch up on :) I can hardly believe that Claire is almost 32 months and Blake turned 4 months last Friday! We go for our check up on Tuesday and Claire will have to get a shot too, a flu shot. :( I am going to get their pictures taken this week as well, so look for those pics soon. These are my favorite pictures of them together--adorable!
This hat is my favorite, but everyone felt bad for Blake that he had to wear it. We walked as a family in the Walk for Life for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center and it was soooo cold!
Blake is eating cereal now, well not really eating it, more experiencing it :) He takes a bite, and then eats the same bite about 4 or 5 times before swallowing it. I'm sure he will get better soon.
This is Claire when she started cereal at 4 months--they do look similar I think :)
Blake also started rolling over from his tummy to his back and also started sucking his thumb, JUST LIKE SISTER! He also loves his exersaucer, what fun!
It's so fun to see how Claire is getting more comfortable with her role as Blake's big sister. She is so compassionate and looks out for him. He was crying in the car and she said, "He wants his mommy and daddy". So cute! We are also having some issues with Claire taking things from Blake because "he doesn't want them anymore" or "he wants to share this with me." We all know better than that!
Claire started Puggles (a baby platypus), her club for AWANA. I am her teacher which is very interesting, as well. Each week she listens better to me. I wanted her picture in her uniform (all the kids have them) but this was her reaction.
Once I turned a movie on, this was her response :)
Overall, we are all adjusting to being a family of four and are so thankful everyday for God's blessings; Claire and Blake. We have a busy weekend coming up--Aunt Kristin, Uncle Dave, and Jackson are coming on Friday to go to Grant's Farm with us and then Saturday we are going to Eckart's Pumpkin Patch with Grammy and Papa. Come back soon to see our weekend adventures, along with our checkup info after Tuesday :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 7:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Fun Day at Grant's Farm!
Brent's parents came down today to go with us to Grant's Farm. Neither of us had been since we were little kids, so it was fun for us too. This time we were each offered two cups of free beer, we declined. Blake was really good and Claire had a blast. We started the day on the tram, but Claire thought it was a train, so that was hilarious! Then we went to see the camels and llamas--the fun had begun! I'm not sure what Grandma Warner and Claire were doing, but their faces are priceless! Claire then wanted to feed the camels leafs which she was very excited about :)
Then we went to see the llamas, which was so funny because Claire wanted to shout at them. She was in the fence screaming "Llama, Llama, come over here!!" When it came over, she fed him some food after Grandma and Grandpa reminded her to keep her hand flat.
Then after we were done feeding the camels and llamas, Claire was very sad. What a face!
We went to feed the goats last, which was so much fun, probably the best spent $2 the whole day!
Blake had a good time too, when he was awake :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 1:14 PM 4 comments
Sweet Sleeping Baby
Blake is such a great sleeper, as good as Claire was at this age which we attribute to the principles of Babywise of course! Fridays are Brent's day off and yesterday we were relaxing in bed. Before we knew it, Blake was sleeping. We realized when we looked at the clock it was time to sleep, how funny that he just put himself to bed. What a good boy! The most ironic part of this picture is that his shirt says "Caution: May cause sleepless nights", thank the Lord that is a thing of the past!
Posted by The Warner Four at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Through the eyes of a baby...
I love these pictures of Blake, because it makes me see life through his eyes. He is happy to be alive, smiling at anyone close to him, knowing he is loved and cared for. We pray he will continue to be so happy about life :) He's 12 weeks Tuesday, hard to believe! He has thrush, so we're going to the doctor tomorrow for a checkup to make sure the medicine is clearing it up. Obviously it's not affecting his mood much, though :)
Posted by The Warner Four at 2:59 PM 4 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Bath Time
We decided it was time for the kids to take a bath together. Every night it takes forever to do two baths, so the logical decision was to combine them. It actually wasn't a HUGE disaster. Blake only got really splashed (in the face) twice, and Claire kept her hands to herself. Overall, a success. It's such a blast having two children, we are so thankful for these little blessings.
Posted by The Warner Four at 8:39 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Hard to believe...
Well, as promised, I am updating our blog with Blake's 2 month checkup numbers. He is already 13 pounds, 13.5 ounces and 23 1/2 inches long. It's amazing how quickly he is growing, it happens so fast! Yesterday I put him in the Bumbo seat to see how he would do, he liked it!
Then, of course, Claire had to have a turn.
Tonight we're going to a swim party to beat the heat!
Posted by The Warner Four at 10:39 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
I've been tagged...
Katie "tagged" me, so I need to post 8 random facts about me:
1- I changed my major in college 3 times!
2- When I was growing up, I wanted to be the first woman president.
3- Speaking of growing up, I wanted six children (that has changed!)
4- Brent and I met at church camp.
5- I have had 4 cars in 6 years.
6- My dogs I had when I was growing up were all named after the Jackson 5.
7- Almost every room in our house is painted red.
8- My favorite commericials are the Mac/PC ones.
I tag Jenny, Chad, & Jessica.
Posted by The Warner Four at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
Fun at the Zoo!
Claire has been talking about going to the zoo everyday for the last week and a half, so we decided it was time to brave the trip with the two kiddos. We went in the evening, hoping to skip over the hottest part of the day and the crowd.
Blake just hung out while we were there, but Claire loved everything--except the Penguin house. As soon as we walked in, she said "Let's get out of here." :) It was funny, but later we discovered that she thought is was scary and cold, so we understand now. Since we went later to the zoo, we didn't have to pay for parking, so Claire got to make a build-a-bear zoo animal.
She first chose an alligator, which Brent and I thought was so ugly, but we convinced her that the elephant was really cute, so she chose to take him home. She enjoyed watching him be stuffed, kissing his heart, and dressing him in camo underwear and a zoo hat. She's been carrying him around since last night. Claire also got to ride the carousel. She chose the tiger, and I stood beside her. She loved it, saying "wee, wee" laughing the whole time. What a fun night!!
Posted by The Warner Four at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Whoa, time flies!
Sorry it has already been two weeks since my last posting. We have had a crazy month of July. We went to camp, then were home for a week, and then Brent left for CIY and just got back. Our church is having VBS this week, so things still haven't slowed down yet.
Blake has grown so much in the last two weeks. He is sleeping around 7 hours a night, now, which is so exciting. He is more alert, smiles and coos, and loves listening to his big sister. We go for his 2 month checkup next Tuesday, so we are looking forward to hearing how much he has grown. We're dreading shots, though :(
Claire had a great time at camp and with Grammy & Papa. She loves playing outside, so that is how she chooses to spend her days and evening :) She is really starting to interact with Blake, which is fun to watch. There is a picture of her as she is holding her ears closed--Blake was screamning :) However, as she talks to him, we see how she sees us and the love she has for him makes us smile. She says from time to time, "I really love my brother." We're so glad!
Enjoy the pictures and keep looking for our next update after Blake's checkup.
Posted by The Warner Four at 8:44 PM 1 comments